We would like to invite you to the opening webinar within the 2024 Global Webinar Series. On Tuesday January 16 (21.00-22.00 HKT) we will host a presentation by Dr. Dominik Antonowicz from Nicolaus Copernicus University of Torun, and Professor Glen A. Jones from OISE, University of Toronto, who will share insights from their most recent book on university boards in Canada. This webinar will offer unique insights into the role of boards, and the structures and practices that frame their work. It will explore board composition, the professional backgrounds of board members, how members perceive their role, and the complex relationships between the board and the university president. The authors will also compare and contrast the Canadian experience with recent governance reforms in Europe and other regions.
To join us online, please register at the following link: https://eduhk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEpceusrzovH9IchnEqxarASyvXUgj9zD-i and share with your networks.
The webinar series is a collaboration with the Consortium of Higher Education Researchers (CHER).