The Team Higher Education Research and Development of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria | FH Oberösterreich is excited to invite you to contribute to the UNICOMM Online Symposium: Building Engaged Communities – Institutional Solutions for Student Participation Across Europe (, taking place on December 3rd, 2024, via Microsoft Teams.

Contributions are welcomed from researchers, higher education professionals, and students who are passionate about fostering student engagement and community building. Share your research, best practices, or successful initiatives and join this unique opportunity to connect with peers across Europe.

Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Manja Klemenčič

Submission Deadline:
November 3rd, 2024

For more details on how to participate and submit a proposal, please refer to the Call for Contributions or visit the symposium website at:

We look forward to your involvement!

UNICOMM is an EU co-funded initiative designed to enhance students' sense of belonging, promote community building, and encourage active engagement and participation.

To learn more, visit the project homepage at:

We are looking forward to your proposals and to seeing you at the symposium!

Building Engaged Communities