News and Announcements
We are delighted to invite you to the next event in our Innovative Universities Global Webinar series where renowned founders and leaders of innovative universities share their experiences and success stories.
Missed the last one? Find the recording here.
This time, we are delighted to welcome Ben Nelson Founder and CEO of Minerva Project and the Chancellor of Minerva University.
Please join us to learn more:
Minerva University: How to build an effective university when the system trains people to do things wrong
Thursday, December 14th, 2023,
5 p.m. – 6 p.m. CET
Register here!
Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity!
Empirical evidence demonstrates that universities are among the least effective organizations in their purported goal of educating learners. The measures which universities themselves use to certify knowledge acquisition demonstrate that students do not retain what they supposedly learn a mere few months after that certification. To fix this problem, new universities must be built with radically different processes, procedures, and incentive systems and existing universities must be reformed along similar lines. But how do you accomplish that when practically everyone in the system (and those outside of it) were trained to believe in ineffective practices?
You may register for this event at:
Click here for detailed information.
Eleven volumes of the annual series Theory and Method in Higher Education Research have now been published by Emerald since 2013, the first two as part of another series, International Perspectives on Higher Education Research. We are now seeking contributions for the next volume (to be published in 2024) and beyond.
Rationale: The higher education research community is growing in size and influence. Much research is, however, in the form of critique of policy trends or evaluation of the effectiveness of changes in practice. This series aims to make a substantive contribution to the development of higher education research by focusing attention on issues of theory and method.
Theory may refer to specific theories developed within higher education research – e.g. academic literacies, modes of knowledge, threshold concepts – or to those applied from particular disciplinary perspectives (e.g. biological sciences, economics, management, political science, psychology, sociology). Method may include the broad range typically applied within educational and social research – e.g. documentary analyses, interviews, multivariate analyses, network analysis, observation, secondary data analysis – as well as more specialised approaches (e.g. conceptual analysis, ethnography, phenomenography).
While contributions may be set within the context of particular research projects, their focus should be on critically discussing aspects of the theory and/or method being applied or developed. Critical reviews of the current and/or potential use of particular theoretical or methodological frameworks to higher education research are also welcomed.
Editors: Professor Jeroen Huisman (Ghent University, Belgium) and Professor Malcolm Tight (Lancaster University, UK).
Deadlines: Expressions of interest in contributing a chapter should be emailed to both editors (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). If you would like to be considered for the 2024 volume, please send a one-page outline of your proposed contribution by December 1st 2023. Feel free to submit earlier, we offer feedback when submissions arrive in our e-mailboxes. The editors will decide which proposals to proceed with by the end of December. Draft chapters of 6-8,000 words must then be submitted for review by mid-February 2024 (we may ask those submitting chapters to review one other submission). Feedback will be provided by the end of February 2024, with final versions of chapters to be submitted by April 1st 2024.
Potential authors are welcome to make initial queries to either editor, but please ensure that you send your proposals to both.
This year’s focus will be on the challenges to openness that universities are facing in the changing global context.
The summer course will bring together a highly diverse and international group of graduate students, young scholars, and professionals involved in internationalization research and/or practice.
Recent global and regional developments affecting the higher education sector will make it an even more necessary as well as enriching experience.
When: 21 - 25 August 2023
Where: Utrecht, The Netherlands
Full programme and registration available under
The deadline for application: July 21, 2023
The Call for Proposals for the 13th International EUREDOCS Conference is now open. Please find detailed information here.